Showing posts with label memorabilia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label memorabilia. Show all posts

Period Collecting

Welcome to Rare Antiques Collectibles and Memorabilia.

Does this seem familiar to you? Grateful dead albums, tie dye t-shirts, macrame belts, puka beads, Peter, Paul and Mary's puff the magic dragon and Carole King's "tapestry" album.

Yes they are all a part of the sixties. I'm talking about about collecting anything and everything in a specific era or period in history. It might be the 40's,50's,60's or the swinging 20's or let's say the edwardian era.

If you want to build up a collection that will really keep u busy and immerse in a particular period in history try delving into period collecting.

There are many ways to go about this. one, go to a newspaper library and get access to their stack of microfilms. Scroll down headlines and any specific items of note in a particular decade like style and fashion, music, films, the bestseller book of the day or any specific events like the mods versus rockers clashes in the sixties.

When it comes to music, sheet music and records are both collectable items.. They must be of course, tunes that were popular in that period of time. How about maintenance manuals for cars introduced at that time. The picture above shows the mod fashion in the sixties...take note of the mini-skirt.

You can probably think of many more collectibles just as long you remain to select your favorite period.

Remember for all your collecting ideas drop by Rare Antiques Collectibles and Memorabilia.


Welcome to Rare Antiques Collectibles and Memorabilia.

Collecting buttons have been a big business.There are numerous organizations and several magazines published about button collecting.

If you read up all you can about the subject, you will know that there are still plenty of scope to explore. You can join an organization and specialize in a fairly narrow field, so that you will know exactly what to buy and what to sell.

Buying buttons from specialist shops is a rather costly procedure. If you are resourceful enough you will be surprise an interesting button may come up like in an old box of odds and ends, or on old clothes in a jumble sale or flea market.Or you could use the buy and swap method with other collectors as well.

It is advisable to specialize like say for example, collecting only pewter buttons(like the ones in the picture).But what should you collect? here are a few examples to choose from.

Pewter buttons- are flat faced and engraved and the convex shape developed is often coloured with lacquer or gilding.

Livery buttons- are one of the great collectible subjects. these were worn by the employees of great households and were embossed with a coat of arms.These are virtually all in metal.

Uniform buttons-worn on the uniforms of the forces, police, fire brigade, postal workers, etc. You could cover the entire field or just specialize in one area like the police.

Sporting buttons-these are engraved or marked with sporting events.

Wooden buttons-in the 19th century many buttons were made from wood including apple, beech, ebony, rosewood, walnut even irish bog oak.

Ceramic buttons-these can be very beautiful. they were made in earthenware, porcelain or china.

If i were to start collecting buttons i would choose to collect political campaign buttons. It is interesting to accumulate something that is also a part of history of a certain country.

Remember for all your collecting ideas drop by Rare Antiques Collectibles and Memorabilia.

Collecting Cigarette Lighters

Welcome to Rare Antiques Collectibles and Memorabilia.

We can only guess how cavemen made thier fires, methods of making light date back to antiquity. Some people collect all forms of lighting such as matches and candles. Let's delve more on collecting cigarette lighters after all they been around since the 1900's. Collectors are not all over themselves just to acquire the items. They are all over the place, jumble sales, flea markets everywhere.

To make the collection more interesting is to accumulate lighters showing the development from birth. If not, you could collect to a theme. For example you could only collect unusual or odd designs.

You could collect petrol, butane or modern electronic lighters. Other themes might include commemoratives, lighters that are marked for coronations, jubilees or specific designs such as art deco or art noveau.

Remember for all your collecting ideas drop by Rare Antiques Collectibles and Memorabilia.

What makes a collection interesting?

Welcome to Rare Antiques Collectibles and Memorabilia.

Whatever knicknacks you decided to collect make sure that you collect to a theme. For example if you like to collect books, it would be more interesting if you collect works by the same author, or books of the same subjects. It's even more interesting if you can tie it up with another hobby of yours. Let's say if your into photography, you could collect books about photography. or gardening or even cooking.

Another example is if you collect autographs. Your collection will be more valuable(if you are collecting as an investment)if you collect autographs of players of the same team. Or autographs of players of different teams but they are all goalies or perhaps quarterbacks. Interesting right? just collect thematically.

When i was in my teens i collected stamps of the same color, if not i collected stamps from the same country, or subjects like sports , vintage cars and birds. At that point it was all very interesting to me. Though i didn't get to attend auctions. It would have been more gratifying as far as experience is concern.

My most prized collection is a set of paperback books by lawrence sanders. It took me nine years to accumulate it. Imagine, nine years of free afternoons and evenings hunting down secondhand bookstores, I finally completed all the works of lawrence sanders.My collection of his books finally concluded when my favorite writer left this planet.As cliche as it may sound, but the enjoyment is in the hunting.

So if you have already started your collection or thinking of starting, just do it with a subject or motiff or theme in mind.

Remember for all your collecting ideas drop by Rare Antiques Collectibles and Memorabilia.

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The Psychology Behind The Hobby Of Collecting

Welcome to Rare Antiques Collectibles and Memorabilia.

This is where i write about the hobby of collecting.Why do people collect things? What's the enjoyment that u derive from the act of collecting? Is it the satisfaction of accumulation? The interest of the specific object or for investment?

let's explore.....

Top 10 most desirable and collectible Art Nouveau style interior design objects to decorate your house.

                                               Top 10 most desirable  and collectible Art Nouveau style interior design objects to decorate ...