Collecting Cameos

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Cameos are like miniature sculptures but only carve on the front side called relief. The first known cameos were used as ceremonial clothing by emperors, used as seals, as adornment in helmets, breastplates, swords and some were used by members of the clergy.

The carvings usually depicted profiles of beautiful women, (this is the most popular motif) mythological and biblical themes, and heroes and rulers of a particular period. Cameos usually have contrast in colors, like darker background and lighter foreground.

Cameos are carve in hardstones which a term for gemstone or semi precious stones like amethyst, emerald, ruby, opal, opaque stones such as agate, carnelian , onyx etc. and some are carve in conch shells and corals. Out of 100,000 species of sea shells only about six species are perfectly suited for cameos.

The popularity of cameos surged in early nineteenth century when cameos are mounted on gold, silver or other metals and became fashionable pieces of jewelry such as brooches, necklaces, tiaras, bracelets and earrings.

The more colors a certain shell or hardstone may project the more valuable the cameo is. If the cameos depicted two carvings from one single stone, the more valuable it is. As opposed to two carvings but made from two different stones and you see evident of glue in between then the carvings are definitely a poor attempt at faking it.

Using a magnifying glass, look for chips and cracks on the cameos for it will lessen the value of it. Make sure the cameos are mounted on the original settings or frame. If the demand outstrip the supply, expect fakes and forgeries all over. Asia is now a hub for manufacturing cheaper cameos made of plastic and resin, because it has a shell-like feel to it. Do a hot needle test, if it melts then it plastic.

Cameos carved in hardstones requires more skill and adeptness, they are more durable compared to shells and corals. They are most likely the type of cameos that can be pass on to the next generations therefore hardstone carved cameos are more expensive.
Famous collectors of cameos are Pope Paul ll and Napoleon Bonaparte.

To find out more collectible items always visit Rare Antiques Collectibles and Memorabilia.

Collecting Teddy Bears

Welcome To Rare Antiques Collectibles and Memorabilia.

The appeal of the teddy bear is universal. That is why both young and old collect them. Teddy Bear signifies unconditional love and acceptance.

The teddy bear dates back 1902 when President Theodore Roosevelt went to Mississippi to settle a border dispute between Mississippi and Louisiana, the host offered the president to shoot the tired little bear tied to a tree. President Roosevelt refused to shoot the bear considered it to be unsportsmanlike.

That good deed towards the bear drew national attention, especially when the Washington Post pblished a cartoon by Clifford Berryman depicting the President and the bear.

An enterprising couple by the name of Morris and Rose Michtom banked on the national interest and made the first stuffed bear and called it Teddy’s Bear with the permission of Pres. Teddy Roosevelt of course and displayed it in their stationery store. The teddy bears sold like hot cakes, thus the first manufacturing company called Ideal Novelty and Toy Company was born.

Some unexplainable synchronicities occurred in the other continent, a German fellow designed and made his first teddy bear. But Europeans were not as crazy for teddy bears as Americans did at that time.

During a fair in Europe an American businessman bought 3,000 teddy bears and brought them to America and sold out the whole stocks. It was the start of European market for teddy bears.

American made teddy bears are slimmer, more spindly. The stitches are looser. While the European made are stockier, the snout longer, and the stitches are tighter thus command higher prices. In today’s world it is customary for companies to outsource their production in Asia because the labor cost is cheaper, so many toys like teddy bears are now manufactured in Asia and very much less costly.

Artist-made teddy bears are totally the "in" thing when it comes to teddy bears. They are handmade, designed and made by the industry’s finest artists, the fur is expensive like mohair and eyes and buttons made of gems. The price for these bears are also expensive.

Look for bears that came from Gund, Knickerbocker, Steiff, Bing and Farnell. Make sure you research and talk with a reputable toy dealer before embarking on buying vintage teddy bears. Let investment be the last of your criteria when buying, the first is you must have genuine like for your teddy bear collection.

To find out more collectible items always visit Rare Antiques Collectibles and Memorabilia.

Collecting Glass Bottles

Welcome To Rare Antiques Collectibles and Memorabilia.

Collecting glass bottles has a vast scope. As always you need to collect thematically or to just plainly specialized.

One interesting glass bottle collectible is the Codd glass bottle sometimes know as pinchneck which designed and patented by Hiram Codd in 1872.

Another interesting glass bottle collectible is the bitters bottles. They came in wide variety of shapes and sizes and dated back 18th century in Great Britain and mid 19th century in the U.S.A.

Bitters are originally a form of medicine for indigestion. It consisted of angostura and citrus peel infused in alcohol and flavored with cinnamon, juniper and cloves.

The popularity of the bitters in both Britain and U.S can only be summed up in one word : alcohol. All the while enjoying the intoxicating effect people in those days thought they were doing it for medicinal purposes.

Bitters bottles came in variety of shapes like barrels, lighthouses, cannons and several other shapes. The bottles were in amber, clear and mostly greens and the more rare ones are in blue, amethyst and puce.

Another worthwhile collectibles are medicine bottles in the Victorian-Edwardian era. And some other medicine bottles had labels that are exotic, showing oriental scenes ornate or bizarre designs

Ink bottles are also collectible, although they were made for practical purposes not just merely ornamental.
The picture above is a bitters bottle.

To find out more collectible items always visit Rare Antiques Collectibles and Memorabilia.

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